Safety & Self-Care

A Special Word to Anyone Confronted With Violence
Al-Anon’s gentle process unfolds gradually, over time.  But those of us facing violent, potentially life-threatening situations may have to make immediate choices to ensure safety for ourselves and our children.  This may mean arranging for a safe house with a neighbor or friend, calling for police protection, or leaving money and an extra set of car keys where they can be collected at any time in case of emergency.

It is not necessary to decide how to resolve the situation once and for all – only how to get out of harm’s way until this process of awareness, acceptance and action can free us to make choices for ourselves that we can live with.

Anyone who has been physically or sexually abused or even threatened may be terrified of taking action at all.  It can require every ounce of courage and faith to act decisively.  But no one has to accept violence.  No matter what seems to trigger the attack, we all deserve to be safe.

Tapping Other Resources
Al-Anon’s  purpose is to help families and friends of alcoholics.  We come together to find help and support in dealing with the effects of alcoholism.  In time we discover that the principles of our program can be practiced “in all our affairs”.  But there are times when, in order to work through especially challenging circumstances, we may need more specialized support from mental, spiritual, physical or legal advisors.  Many of us have benefited from taking care of those needs in addition to coming to Al-Anon.

From :  How Al-Anon works for Families and Friends of Alcoholics (page ix)

Member Self-Care Suggestions
While face-to-face meetings are canceled, we urge you to rely on your Al-Anon tools and the fellowship during this challenging time. For example, you can:

  • Read CAL (Conference Approved Literature).
  • Call another Al-Anon member (use your phone lists).
  • Flipping that around…be of service to others. Use your phone list and reach out to members of your group who might need support or assistance.
  • Join an electronic meeting or a phone meeting. These meetings are listed on
  • Practice conscience contact with your Higher Power through prayer and meditation.